DIY Marble Key Hook

So I have this problem where I leave my keys in the door. Yup, that's me. I'm that person. So after being told numerous times to change my habits I think I finally figured out what might do the trick. A key hook! If I'm in the habit of putting my keys on the hook when I come inside, I'll know when I've left my keys behind to let serial killers in, copies to be made by burglars and neighbors to judge us!

So I decided to make one myself. The infatuation with marble continues so I thought a marble tile and some gold hooks would be so nice. Soooo niceeeeee...


Marble Tile
Gold Push Pin Magnets 
Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive
Medium Command Strips
Tape measurer or ruler
Pencil and eraser

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

First step is to measure out where you want your hooks. This depends on how many hooks you want and the size of your tile. I went with three, and though this tile is supposed to be 6 inches, it was 5.75 inches. Thanks tile maker. Thanks for making me have to do actual math. Not.

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

I marked where I wanted my hooks to go, deciding to place them further down on the tile instead of centered. I made sure to measure the length and width. Remember to measure twice when doing this!

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

Then put a small amount of construction glue in the center of my hooks. You don't want to put too much so it blobs out the side.

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

Then you place your hooks. I used a small nail to clean up the little bit of glue that did end up blobbing out. You have a bit of time to adjust the hooks, so make sure you get them just right.

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

Then you just apply your Command Strips to the back. I went with three medium strips. You might want to trim them a little bit. I found after that you could sort of see the top of the strips when it was on the wall.

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

Attach it to the wall and there you go! Your very own key hook!

I sincerely apologize for the grainy photos here. No matter what I did I could not get good lighting in this corner of my house.

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff

diy marble key hook | sarah makes stuff